Thursday, January 19, 2006

Posting from Shanelle

The amount of destruction and how we react to the sight is very relative to what we are told. What we are told is the "worst hit" area, looks the worst, for the most part, because we were told it was the worst, not because of what we saw. Looking at the areas of the 9th Ward we visited on Sunday and comparing them to what we saw in the Lower 9th Ward yesterday, I knew what was the "worst hit" and no one had make that conclusion for me. Destruction and wind damage is a very emotional thing to see. But complete devastation is another. Nothing survived, nothing was standing, and there was no one in sight. The only sound was the crows and a lost wind tunnel on the rooftop. As dusk came, and then nightfall, the city darkened completely. From afar it looked lost, vacant, and not alive.

Shanelle C. Evens
Hamline University Student Congress President


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